Meanwhile Murder


This new Anthology showcases some of Australia's most exceptional story-telling talent, and it's perfect for bedtime reading when you want a small shot of immersive escapism.

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Product Details

Title: Meanwhile Murder

Author: Charmaine Clancy

Publisher: Hot Doggy Digital Press


978-0-6481472-9-9 (pbk)

978-0-9872863-0-7 (ebk)

348 pages

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'Fantastic effort, organisers and presenters.Very well done, indeed.'

Frank Prem (poet & Retreater)

'The presentations by Charmaine and Anthony were packed with useful information, and the interaction of those involved made me feel so lucky to be part of this talented group of writers. Huge thanks to the amazing Christine and Charmaine for organising this!'

Robin Thomas (Author & Retreater)

'As a newbie to RWR it was such an enjoyable experience. I learnt so much and everyone was so welcoming. It was very well put together and I look foward to the next one!! Big thanks to Charmaine and Christine!'

Sarah Tegerdine (Author & Retreater)

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